Official NFTs

Three official collections available

You can integrate these NFTs into your games seamlessly using our API, allowing you to leverage the unique features and attributes of ZooGenes, ZooBoosters, and ZooElixirs. Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating these freely available NFTs into your game mechanics.

Get user's ZooBoosters

ZooBoosters are primarily known for improving your ZOO rewards when added to a farming pool, but also for being tradable in The Market or on the NFT Marketplace OpenZoo, as well as being used in the ZooGames protocol. The percentage (%) boost and locktime reducer linked to each of these ZooBoosters represent their farming abilities. Some may be the same as others, and some will vary.

As you can see from the above, the boosting number and locktime reducing amount are different. Even on the off chance that these should be the same, each NFT has its own individual number, making it truly unique.

Get all Official ZooBooster NFT by ZooGamesId


Path Parameters

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "tokenId": "710",
      "category": "Foods",
      "item": "R",
      "level": "4",
      "random": "76",
      "boost": "49.076%",
      "reduce": "10.676%",
      "chainId": "999",
      "address": "0x8d2a8b3683292442faca52e9b6537faaad0ae432",
      "name": "Ancient Barrel Cheddar",
      "description": "Ancient Barrel Cheddar",
      "background_color": "f3f2f3",
      "image": "",
      "attributes": [
          "trait_type": "category",
          "value": "2"
          "trait_type": "level",
          "value": "4"
          "trait_type": "item",
          "value": "2"
    // More and more NFTs data //
Return Data Properties Explanation
  • tokenID: TokenId of the NFT

  • category: Category of Booster Fruits, Foods, Sweets, Potions, Spices, Magic

  • item (aka. Class): N: Normal R: Rare SR: Super Rare SSR: Super Super Rare UR: Ultra Rare

  • level: 1: 1 star 2: 2 stars 3: 3 stars 4: MAX

  • random: It is a constant value that determines the boosting rate or reduction rate within the range of 1 to 300.

  • chainId: NFT from which chain 888: Wanchain Mainnet 999: Wanchain Testnet 43114: Avalanche (mainnet) 43113: Avalanche (Testnet)

  • boost: Boosting rate by percentage ex: “23.243%”

  • reduce: Reduce locked time by percentage ex: “5.643%”

  • address: NFT owner's address linked to ZooGamesID

  • name: Name of NFT

  • description: Description of NFT

  • image: Source of NFT Image (you can use insteads of in case of being blocked by some ISP)

  • attributes: source of NFT attributes in IPFS (you can use properties item, category, level instead)

Get user's ZooGenes

ZooGenes set themselves apart from traditional generative NFT projects. Designed specifically for gaming, ZooGenes are dynamic and engaging. Ever wondered what a polar bear sporting sunglasses and a viking hat would look like? Or a charming bunny donning a biker jacket surrounded by flames? These characters possess distinctive visual traits and can be traded among players. However, their uniqueness goes beyond appearances. Each ZooGene comes with individual abilities, such as Strength, Agility, and more. These attributes will carry over to future ZooKeeper games, ensuring that your ZooGenes' capabilities remain relevant and impactful across various gaming experiences.

Get all Official ZooGenes NFT by ZooGameId


Path Parameters

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "tokenId": "16",
      "address": "0x6A2a8b3683292442faca52e9b6537faaad0ae325",
      "chainId": "999",
      "name": "Kagur The Wary Rabbit #16",
      "image": "",
      "description": "ZooGenes are ZooKeeper’s gaming-oriented generative NFTs. A polar bear wearing sunglasses and a viking hat? A cute little bunny with a biker jacket surrounded by flames? ZooGenes create playable characters used as drivers in-game that will have unique visual characteristics and be tradeable, but also have individual abilities (e.g. Strength, Agility, etc). These stats will be applied to every future ZooKeeper game. It was minted on [](",
      "attributes": [
          "trait_type": "Strength",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 84
          "trait_type": "Constitution",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 87
          "trait_type": "Dexterity",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 21
          "trait_type": "Defense",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 12
          "trait_type": "Attack",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 67
          "trait_type": "Intelligence",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 28
          "trait_type": "Wisdom",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 56
          "trait_type": "Charisma",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 66
          "trait_type": "Willpower",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 27
          "trait_type": "Perception",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 63
          "trait_type": "Luck",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 86
          "trait_type": "Psyche",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 5
          "trait_type": "Recovery",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 46
          "trait_type": "Magical",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 31
          "trait_type": "Social",
          "display_type": "boost_number",
          "value": 59
          "display_type": "number",
          "trait_type": "Generation",
          "value": 1
          "trait_type": "Background",
          "value": "Rose Quartz"
          "trait_type": "Background Points",
          "value": 100
          "trait_type": "Body",
          "value": "Rabbit"
          "trait_type": "Body Points",
          "value": 125
          "trait_type": "Expression",
          "value": "Wary"
          "trait_type": "Expression Points",
          "value": 100
          "trait_type": "Ghost mode",
          "value": "No"
          "trait_type": "Ghost Points",
          "value": 0
          "trait_type": "Talent Positive #1",
          "value": "Innovative"
          "trait_type": "Talent Positive #2",
          "value": "Capable"
          "trait_type": "Talent Positive #3",
          "value": "Educated"
          "trait_type": "Talent Positive #4",
          "value": "Directed"
          "trait_type": "Talent Positive #5",
          "value": "Smart"
          "trait_type": "Talent Negative",
          "value": "Hypocrite"
    // More & more NFTs //
Return Data Properties Explanation
  • tokenID: TokenId of NFT

  • address: NFT owner's address linked to ZooGamesID

  • name: Name of NFT

  • description: Description of NFT

  • image: Source of NFT Image (you can use insteads of in case of being blocked by some ISP)

  • attributes: source of NFT attributes in IPFS. You can use as needed

    1. Stats - trait_type Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Defense, Attack, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Willpower, Perception, Luck, Psyche, Recovery, Magical, Social Max Point is 100

    2. Parts of Genes - trait_type Background, Body, Facial, Headgear, Costume, Ghost Mode, Effect

    3. Talents - 5 Positive talents and 1 Negative talent

    4. Class - N: Normal R: Rare SR: Super Rare SSR: Super Super Rare UR: Ultra Rare

    5. Generation - In this version is 1 (No Plan to have more generation)

Get user's ZooElixirs

ZooElixirs are generative NFTs. This means that they are randomly assigned a name, color, and shape, resulting in each ZooElixir being unique.

Get all Official ZooElixirs NFT by ZooGamesId


Path Parameters

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "tokenId": "19",
      "color": "#820b8e",
      "drops": "1.36%",
      "level": "N",
      "name": "Cruet of Arachnid Venom",
      "shape": "18",
      "chainId": "999",
      "address": "0x5af0a877e906dead748a41ae7da8c220e4246d9e",
      "description": "ZooKeeper Elixir is a powerful item in ZooKeeper Craft, it is used to craft and level up boost NFT card.",
      "external_url": "",
      "image": "",
      "attributes": [
          "trait_type": "shape",
          "value": 19
          "trait_type": "ability",
          "value": "craft"
    // More & more NFTs
Return Data Properties Explanation
  • tokenID: TokenId of NFT

  • color: Hex code of drop color filled ex: “ff123a”

  • level: Class of Elixir. Represent N: Normal , R: Rare, SR: Super Rare, SSR: Super Super Rare and UR: Ultra Rare

  • drops: Percentage of drops filled in Elixir ex: “55.55%”

  • shape: Shape preset ID

  • address: NFT owner's address linked to ZooGamesID

  • name: Name of NFT

  • description: Description of NFT

  • image: Source of NFT Image (you can use insteads of in case of been blocked by some ISP)

  • attributes: ---

Last updated