ZooGames AUTH webapp for Telegram
ZooGames’ revolutionary system simplifies gaming authentication
The ZooGames WebApp code is also completely free and open-source, so developers can customize and integrate it into their games and apps without any extra cost or hassle.
In short, ZooGames’ revolutionary system simplifies gaming authentication and offers a secure and easy way to access your gaming data. So, why not give it a try and experience the future of web3 gaming authentication?
Please check out our Github:
Example of use case
You can try accessing the ZooQuiz bot by going to https://t.me/ZooQuiz_bot and typing "/register" followed by clicking on "Login". This will bring up the Login WebAPP. You can then provide your ZooGamesID and 2FA token to log in and link your Telegram ID with your ZooGamesID.
MongoDB can be used to store session records for your game. You can sign up for a free account at https://mongodb.com/ to test your game.
For bot development using NodeJS stack, you can utilize "node-telegram-bot-api", which can be accessed at https://github.com/yagop/node-telegram-bot-api. (https://github.com/yagop/node-telegram-bot-api)
It is recommended to have some knowledge of Telegram BOT API, which can be found at https://core.telegram.org/bots/api, (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api) as well as Telegram WebAPP at https://core.telegram.org/bots/webapps. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/webapps)
To obtain ZooGames API KEY and SECRET, you can request it through Telegram at https://t.me/ZooEcosystem (Zoo.Games Sub Topic).
The Vercel service can be used to host your WebAPP.
Flow of Authentication
The authentication flow involves the display of a login form on the WebApp. Upon successful connection to the right MongoDB and input of the user's Telegram ID, a JWT Token will be recorded as the following structure:
The user will also receive a direct message from the bot, containing their logged in Zoo.Games ID, Primary Address, and Mirror Address. If there are any errors, an alert will be displayed to prompt the user to fix it.
You can continue writing your BOT code to get TG user id, username and ZooGames JWT for further gameplay.
BOT Code
To call the Telegram Webapp, the sendMessage and sendPhoto APIs can be used with a reply markup of inline_keyboard. It is important to note that the Bot Menu should not be used to call the WebAPP, as it will not send a query of User Data to the WebAPP. The following environment variables structure can be used:
ENV Structure of TESTNET
ENV Structure of MAINNET
Last updated